10. August 2015 · Comments Off on Sunset Series: Morgen · Categories: Portrait & Still Life · Tags:

In the evening before the sun disappears below the horizon, there are approx. 20 minutes of beautiful light.  The light changes constantly in color, texture, and intensity.  I’m embarking on a series of sunset portraits and my daughter, Morgen, was my first model.  These photos are presented in the order they were taken so you can see how the light changes in the landscape and how it affects the model. The changing light required me to be vigilant with camera settings as well as the settings on the flash – a ProPhoto B1 set up on an Avenger C-stand.

All photos Copyright 2015 Alice Gebura All Rights Reserved.

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The sunset is to your left and isn’t included in the first few shots.

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Now I’ve moved the model so the sunset is on the right. At this point the sun is low in the sky but not yet touching the horizon.



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The lower the sun, the more color from light bouncing off the moisture in the clouds. It casts color on the model as well.