Friends brought these lillies the other day. I shot this with bounced flash and a backlight. I created the pastel effect with Photoshop layers and Nik color effex. And I used Filter Forge “Sobel Edge Detector” to bring out the lines.

The following is for my friend, Maria, and anyone else who might be interested in how I created this image in Photoshop.
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First I photographed the puppet as a standard portrait:

puppet against white fabric

Then I wrapped it in black fabric and startled it with a spotlight pointing up towards the face!

puppet wrapped in black fabric

I took this image and used Photoshop to paint around the face and hands with black.  Then I used the perspective tool (Edit – Transform – Perspective) to distort the proportions.  Finally, I used Curves to saturate the colors.transformed in photoshop


Copyright 2010,  Alice Gebura,  All Rights Reserved.